Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with Dr. Robert Livingston

Dr. Shahab Anari talks with Dr. Robert Livingston about DEI and specifically his book "Conversations".

Dr. Robert Livingston is a social psychologist a leading expert in the field of DEI and author of the acclaimed book ‘The Conversation’. For two decades, he has served as a diversity consultant to a lot of Fortune 500 companies, public-sector agencies, and non-profit organizations. He’s also a well-known figure in the professional coaching space, thanks to his contributions to the field of DEI.


What was discussed in this episode:

  1. What’s your definition of DEI and why has it gained so much attention?
  2. If we focus too much on DEI, aren’t we sacrificing quality?
  3. How is DEI relevant to coaching?
  4. Tell us about the PRESS formula in your book ‘The Conversation’?
  5. Dolphins, ostriches, and sharks => who are these people? And what can be done about them?

Learn more about Dr. Livingston at https://robertwlivingston.com/.


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