Laser-Focused Coaching with Marion Franklin, MCC

In this episode, Shahab Anari talked with Marion Franklin, ICF Master Coach, and the author of the popular coaching book, The Heart of Laser-Focused Coaching.


What was discussed:

1. What is laser-focused coaching and how is it different from conventional coaching?

2. You say in your book that when listening to a client, we should always ask ourselves: “1) Why are they telling me this? 2) What’s making this a problem for this person?” Please tell us more about the importance of these two questions (with example).

3. You always emphasize that our client’s offhand comments are important. There’s a reason behind EVERYTHING the client shares in a coaching session. Please give us examples.

4. You say: The coach should never have to think. What do you mean by that?

5. What do you mean by: Don’t believe the client. Can you give us examples.

6. Something unique about your book is that you present 25 universal themes that show up in coaching conversations. Tell us more about them and their importance.

7. Tell us about your new book, What would a wise person do?


Learn more about Marion at


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